• Fix minor issue with geometry checking, result of upstream changes
  • Check for duplicate ids
  • od_disaggregate() can now take route networks as inputs
  • od_disaggregate() is now used as a ‘back-end’ for od_jitter() where possible by default
  • New pd argument in points_to_od() allows calculation of OD pairs associated with destinations that have a different geometry than the origins (#41)
  • Remove ‘old style CRSs’, preventing warnings emitted by the sf package
  • od_jitter() succeeds with wider range of input datasets, and can work with fewer subpoints than OD pairs thanks to the replace = TRUE setting in the base R function sample()
  • New function od_jitter() allows offsetting of origin and destination points of desire lines (#11)
  • Add new argument to od_disaggregate() to allow non-integer outputs
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.
  • Lots of changes have been made since the package was first release on CRAN
  • Key changes include:
    • Lots of new functionality, includine od_disaggregate()
    • Much of the functionality from stplanr had been ported