All functions |
Make shapes.txt for train GTFS |
UK2GTFS option stopProcessingAtUid |
UK2GTFS option treatDatesAsInt |
UK2GTFS option updateCachedDataOnLibaryLoad |
Activity Codes |
as data table naptan stop area |
as data table naptan stop point |
Download Test Files |
Get Bank Holiday Calendar |
Get naptan |
Get naptan xml doc |
Clean simple errors from GTFS files |
Clip a GTFS object to a geographical area |
Reduce file size of a GTFS object |
Find fast stops |
Find fast trips |
Force a GTFS to be valid by removing problems |
Interpolate stop times |
merge a list of gtfs files |
Read GTFS |
Make routes into an SF object |
Split a GTFS object |
Split a GTFS object based on trip_ids |
Count the number of trips stopping at each stop between two dates |
Make stops into an SF object |
Trim a GTFS file between two dates |
Trim a GTFS file between two dates |
Make trips into an SF object |
Validate a GTFS object (in R) |
Write GTFS |
Historic Bank Holidays |
Import the .alf file |
Import the .flf file |
Import the .mca file |
Import the .msm file |
Import the .tsi file |
Load a built-in UK2GTFS dataset |
NI to GTFS |
Import the .CIF file |
ATOC to GTFS (Network Rail Version) |
Download Fares from National Rail Data Portal |
Download routing from National Rail Data Portal |
Download Timetable from National Rail Data Portal |
Example School term and holiday dates |
Export ATOC stations as GTFS stops.txt |
TransXchange to GTFS |
Import a TransXchange XML file |
Update the data inside the UK2GTFS package |