Download the NaPTAN stop locations in XML format. For more information on NaPTAN see
url = "",
timeout = 300L,
method = getOption("url.method", "default")
xml document node
TransXchange does not store the location of bus stops, so this functions downloads them from the offical DfT source.
NrStations with multiple tiplocs seem to be represented as multiple natpan nodes, with one AnnotatedRailRef per naptan node, despite the schema supporting a multiplicity relationship. e.g. stourbridge, clapham junction. these can be joined together on the CRS
As of 2023 Naptan is published under a more permissive (OGL3) licence than ATOC data (creative commons licence).
<StopPoint <AtcoCode>
sequence of optional elements <NaptanCode> <PlateCode> <PrivateCode> <CleardownCode> <FormerStopPointRef>
<StopClassification <StopType (enum) <OnStreet|OffStreet
if 'OffStreet' <Air|Ferry|Rail|Metro|BusAndCoach|Telecabine
if 'Rail' <Entrance|AccessArea|Platform> <AnnotatedRailRef (0..n) <TiplocRef> <CrsRef> <StationName> <Location
StopType enum ============= AIR, airportEntrance, GAT, airAccessArea, FTD, ferryTerminalDockEntrance, FER, ferryDockAccessArea, FBT, ferryBerth, FerryBerth, RSE, railStationEntrance, RLY, railAccessArea, RPL, railPlatform, TMU, tramMetroUndergroundStationEntrance, MET, tramMetroUndergroundAccessArea, PLT, tramMetroUndergroundPlatform, BCE, busCoachTrolleyStationEntrance, busCoachTramStationEntrance, BST, busCoachStationAccessArea, BCS, busCoachTrolleyStationBay, busCoachTramStationBay, BCQ, busCoachTrolleyStationVariableBay, busCoachTramStationVariableBay, BCT, busCoachTrolleyOnStreetPoint, busCoachTramOnStreetPoint, TXR, taxiRank, STR, sharedTaxiRank, SDA, carSetDownPickUpArea, LSE, liftOrCableCarStationEntrance, LCB, liftOrCableCarAccessArea, LPL, liftOrCableCarPlatform