This function implements the uptake model described in the original Propensity to Cycle Tool paper (Lovelace et al. 2017):
alpha = -3.959 + 2.523,
d1 = -0.5963 - 0.07626,
d2 = 1.866,
d3 = 0.00805,
h1 = -0.271,
i1 = 0.009394,
i2 = -0.05135,
verbose = FALSE
Vector distance numeric values of routes in km (switches to km if more than 100).
Vector gradient numeric values of routes.
The intercept
Distance term 1
Distance term 2
Distance term 3
Hilliness term 1
Distance-hilliness interaction term 1
Distance-hilliness interaction term 2
Print messages? FALSE
by default.
# Equation 1B:
distance = 15
gradient = 2
logit = -3.959 + 2.523 +
((-0.5963 - 0.07626) * distance) +
(1.866 * sqrt(distance)) +
(0.008050 * distance^2) +
(-0.2710 * gradient) +
(0.009394 * distance * gradient) +
(-0.05135 * sqrt(distance) * gradient)
#> [1] -3.144098
# Result: -3.144098
pcycle = exp(logit) / (1 + exp(logit))
# Result: 0.04132445
#> [1] 0.04132445
uptake_pct_godutch(distance, gradient,
alpha = -3.959 + 2.523, d1 = -0.5963 - 0.07626,
d2 = 1.866, d3 = 0.008050, h1 = -0.2710, i1 = 0.009394, i2 = -0.05135
#> [1] 0.04132445
# these are the default values
uptake_pct_godutch(distance, gradient)
#> [1] 0.04132445
l = routes_fast_leeds
pcycle_scenario = uptake_pct_godutch(l$length, l$av_incline)
plot(l$length, pcycle_scenario)