Convert origin-destination coordinates into geographic desire lines

odc_to_sf(odc, d = NULL, crs = 4326)



A matrix containing coordinates representing line start and end points


An optional data frame to add to the geometry column


The coordinate reference system of the output, if not known in z. 4326 by default.


(odc = od_coordinates(od_data_df, p = od_data_zones, sfnames = TRUE))
#>             x        y         x        y
#> 1   -1.544730 53.80928 -1.546024 53.79587
#> 3   -1.518710 53.79223 -1.546024 53.79587
#> 5   -1.546024 53.79587 -1.546024 53.79587
#> 6   -1.517695 53.77475 -1.546024 53.79587
#> 4   -1.564756 53.81763 -1.561391 53.80498
#> 5.1 -1.546024 53.79587 -1.561391 53.80498
#> 2   -1.561391 53.80498 -1.546024 53.79587
(l = odc_to_sf(odc))
#> Simple feature collection with 7 features and 0 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.564756 ymin: 53.77475 xmax: -1.517695 ymax: 53.81763
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>                         geometry
#> 1 LINESTRING (-1.54473 53.809...
#> 2 LINESTRING (-1.51871 53.792...
#> 3 LINESTRING (-1.546024 53.79...
#> 4 LINESTRING (-1.517695 53.77...
#> 5 LINESTRING (-1.564756 53.81...
#> 6 LINESTRING (-1.546024 53.79...
#> 7 LINESTRING (-1.561391 53.80...

lsfc = odc_to_sfc(odc)