Zones in Leeds


# see data-raw folder for generation code
#> Simple feature collection with 107 features and 6 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.800362 ymin: 53.699 xmax: -1.292229 ymax: 53.94589
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#>      objectid  msoa11cd  msoa11nm msoa11nmw st_areasha st_lengths
#> 2270     2270 E02002330 Leeds 001 Leeds 001    3460674  10002.983
#> 2271     2271 E02002331 Leeds 002 Leeds 002   21870986  26417.665
#> 2272     2272 E02002332 Leeds 003 Leeds 003    2811303   8586.548
#> 2273     2273 E02002333 Leeds 004 Leeds 004    9002833  14594.155
#> 2274     2274 E02002334 Leeds 005 Leeds 005   25366369  28323.887
#> 2275     2275 E02002335 Leeds 006 Leeds 006   51614918  42805.527
#> 2276     2276 E02002336 Leeds 007 Leeds 007   29046413  32288.621
#> 2277     2277 E02002337 Leeds 008 Leeds 008   14907289  22783.389
#> 2278     2278 E02002338 Leeds 009 Leeds 009    2151135   8105.298
#> 2279     2279 E02002339 Leeds 010 Leeds 010    1404052   7641.217
#>                            geometry
#> 2270 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.392046 5...
#> 2271 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.340405 5...
#> 2272 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.682211 5...
#> 2273 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.652217 5...
#> 2274 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.36405 53...
#> 2275 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.408357 5...
#> 2276 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.567943 5...
#> 2277 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.776333 5...
#> 2278 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.71857 53...
#> 2279 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.689282 5...