Fastest cycle routes for the desire_lines_leeds


# see data-raw folder for generation code
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 17 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.743246 ymin: 53.73189 xmax: -1.336928 ymax: 53.92942
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#> old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
#>    plan start finish length time waypoint cum_hill change_elev dif_max_min
#> 1     1     1      1   4117  956      136       70           0          17
#> 2     1     1      1   3125  792      138       68          12          28
#> 3     1     1      1  17492 4405      499      471         -39         143
#> 4     1     1      1   5514 1312      146      127          -1          35
#> 5     1     1      1  15760 3997      387      442         -18         121
#> 6     1     1      1  12717 2665      374      277        -141         145
#> 7     1     1      1  18427 4719      572      450        -140         147
#> 8     1     1      1  14980 3813      461      399         -97         145
#> 9     1     1      1  10211 2512      333      290         -88         126
#> 10    1     1      1   9994 2220      351      260        -126         165
#>    up_tot down_tot av_incline co2_saving calories busyness error id
#> 1      35       35 0.01700267        767       72    14908    NA  1
#> 2      40       28 0.02176000        583       66    16593    NA  2
#> 3     216      255 0.02692660       3261      322   133428    NA  3
#> 4      63       64 0.02303228       1028      104     7817    NA  4
#> 5     212      230 0.02804569       2938      311    50348    NA  5
#> 6      68      209 0.02178187       2371      146    69814    NA  6
#> 7     155      295 0.02442069       3435      279   105740    NA  7
#> 8     151      248 0.02663551       2792      254    85841    NA  8
#> 9     101      189 0.02840074       1903      160    80847    NA  9
#> 10     67      193 0.02601561       1863      124    40846    NA 10
#>                          geometry
#> 1  LINESTRING (-1.39987 53.929...
#> 2  LINESTRING (-1.70323 53.911...
#> 3  LINESTRING (-1.68783 53.900...
#> 4  LINESTRING (-1.35768 53.883...
#> 5  LINESTRING (-1.46902 53.891...
#> 6  LINESTRING (-1.6247 53.8858...
#> 7  LINESTRING (-1.74444 53.880...
#> 8  LINESTRING (-1.71027 53.870...
#> 9  LINESTRING (-1.55189 53.868...
#> 10 LINESTRING (-1.62183 53.863...