od_leeds contains the 100 most travelled work desire lines in Leeds, according to the 2011 Census.


# see data-raw folder for generation code
#> # A tibble: 10 × 14
#>    area_of_residence area_of_workplace   all  home metro train
#>    <chr>             <chr>             <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 E02002363         E02006875           922     0     0     5
#>  2 E02002373         E02006875          1037     0     5   111
#>  3 E02002384         E02006875           966     0     3    14
#>  4 E02002385         E02006875           958     0     4   121
#>  5 E02002392         E02006875           753     0     0    10
#>  6 E02002404         E02006875          1145     0     0     6
#>  7 E02002411         E02006875           929     0     0     8
#>  8 E02006852         E02006875          1221     0     4    14
#>  9 E02006861         E02006875          1177     0     3    43
#> 10 E02006876         E02006875          1035     0     1    11
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: bus_minibus_or_coach <dbl>, taxi <dbl>, motorcycle <dbl>,
#> #   driving_a_car_or_van <dbl>, passenger <dbl>, bicycle <dbl>, on_foot <dbl>,
#> #   other <dbl>