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This function gets the criminal justice codes from the Criminal Justice Hub website. See


  u = paste0("",



The URL of the Criminal Justice Hub website.


#> Downloading CJS codes from to /tmp/RtmpD4wDRi/cjs_codes.ods
#> # A tibble: 14,640 × 8
#>    `CJS Offence Code` `Offence Title`         Legislation Offence Category Cod…¹
#>    <chr>              <chr>                   <chr>       <chr>                 
#>  1 AB06001            Obstruct person acting… NA          CS                    
#>  2 AB13001            Fail to comply with an… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  3 AB13002            Intentionally obstruct… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  4 AB13003            Fail to give to an aut… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  5 AB13004            Knowingly / recklessly… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  6 AB13005            Fail to produce a reco… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  7 AB13006            Contravene/fail to com… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  8 AB14001            Fail to comply with an… Contrary t… CE                    
#>  9 AB14002            Intentionally obstruct… Contrary t… CE                    
#> 10 AB14003            Fail to give to an aut… Contrary t… CE                    
#> # ℹ 14,630 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Offence Category Code`
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: `Custodial Indicator` <chr>,
#> #   `Recordable On PNC Indicator` <chr>, `DVLA Code` <chr>,
#> #   `Offence Start Date` <chr>